HKD$ 7900
JLPT N1 考試對策班
報名參加了 JLPT N1 考試但又尚未開始複習?不用擔心!東大前現推出了 JLPT N1 考前對策課程,總計 50 小時,由本校的 Calvin 老師以廣東話及日語帶大家重點學習 JLPT N1 所涵蓋的文型,集中並清晰地講解不同文型之間的差異。除此之外,更會和同學們解說過去試題中容易犯錯的 N1 題型及文法,讓大家在半年內內充份備戰好能力試驗!
- 逢星期三、五 12:30 - 14:30
- 日期:2024-11-27 ~ 2025-03-05(共50小時,25堂)
JLPT N1 考試對策班(第一期) Preparatory Class for JLPT N1 (Term 1)
報名參加了 JLPT N1 考試但又尚未開始複習?不用擔心!東大前現推出了 JLPT N1 考前對策課程,課程分為上下學期,總計 60 小時,由本校的友善老師(國立一橋大學 經濟學 學士)以英語帶大家重點學習 JLPT N1 所涵蓋的文型,集中並清晰地講解不同文型之間的差異。除此之外,更會和同學們解說過去試題中容易犯錯的 N1 題型及文法,讓大家在半年內內充份備戰好能力試驗!
Language of Instruction: English + Japanese
Have you registered for the JLPT N1 exam but haven't started studying yet? Don't worry! Our school is now offering a JLPT N1 pre-test preparation course, which is divided into two semesters, totaling 60 hours. Our teacher Mr. Tomoyoshi (Bachelor of Economics, Hitotsubashi University) will guide you through the study of JLPT N1 text types in English, focusing on the differences between different types of grammar and providing clear explanations. Additionally, the course will cover N1 question types and grammar that students commonly struggle with, ensuring thorough preparation for the JLPT within six months!
JLPT N1 考試對策班(第二期) Preparatory Class for JLPT N1 (Term 2)
報名參加了 JLPT N1 考試但又尚未開始複習?不用擔心!東大前現推出了 JLPT N1 考前對策課程,課程分為上下學期,總計 60 小時,由本校的友善老師(國立一橋大學 經濟學 學士)以英語帶大家重點學習 JLPT N1 所涵蓋的文型,集中並清晰地講解不同文型之間的差異。除此之外,更會和同學們解說過去試題中容易犯錯的 N1 題型及文法,讓大家在半年內內充份備戰好能力試驗!
Language of Instruction: English + Japanese
Have you registered for the JLPT N1 exam but haven't started studying yet? Don't worry! Our school is now offering a JLPT N1 pre-test preparation course, which is divided into two semesters, totaling 60 hours. Our teacher Mr. Tomoyoshi (Bachelor of Economics, Hitotsubashi University) will guide you through the study of JLPT N1 text types in English, focusing on the differences between different types of grammar and providing clear explanations. Additionally, the course will cover N1 question types and grammar that students commonly struggle with, ensuring thorough preparation for the JLPT within six months!